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Written by Jose Vasquez

developer based in sydney and random digital artist, tango god flamenco dancer hobbyist.

Flamenco app blog

Posted: August 07, 2023

Flamenco app untitled


building new flamenco app that helps with self training or group training.

Features Quick Player

  • voice count
  • edit palo start from
  • change volume of voice, Palmas and Palma sorda
  • enable or disable count 10 indicator
  • change from 1 - 12 count to 1 - 10,1,2 count
  • voice in spanish english male or female.
  • change bpm
  • time elapsed indicator

Features pbm search

  • search track name to get a bpm

Features Interval

  • create a customisable flamenco bpm Interval
  • customise the Palo(count), bpm and repeatable factor per Compas

UI Progress..