Dev Blog
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Written by Jose Vasquez

developer based in sydney and random digital artist, tango god flamenco dancer hobbyist.

About Me

Just a humble guy who likes to learn and play with many tools in software and life, trying to find more time to create online tuts


  • Tango
  • Tap
  • Salsa
  • Flamenco

love to tango and experience tango festivals abroad was lucky to be recorded why dancing at the lyon tango festival in 2019, learning how to tap since after the covid lockdowns started seeing that i couldnt tango

  • Scooters
  • Gym

I enjoy scooters for leisure and exercise have 2 one from crusing and one for hard core exercising. what to get into longboard crusing and downhill bombing as an activity to explore cities better when i travel.

Digital Creation
  • 3D Modelling/Texturing
  • rough digital drawing and painting

Enjoy Modelling and painting with substance painter, also like playing around with photoshop for digital drawings and photo editing.

Programming etc

Enjoy learning new website technologys as i learned jekyll to create this blog after i created a rough with wordpress. Its Always hard to pick between the content management process or hardcore templating and boodstrapping it.

All in all Love Programming and visual programming in game engines and playing around with angular and net. core